Everyone’s plasma is unique. In special cases, individuals plasma may contains specific levels of certain antibodies required to manufacture immune globulins against deadly diseases. We invite you to look into our Specialty Plasma Programs. Not all our centers participate in these programs, so ask a center staff member or check out the center’s webpage for more information.

Anti-Hepatitis B Program
This special program collects plasma from donors who have been vaccinated against Hepatitis B and have formed Hepatitis B antibodies.

Anti-D Program
This special program collects plasma from donors with the Rho(D) antibody and uses it to make anti-D immunoglobulin, an injection given to Rh negative mothers during pregnancy and immediately after labor and delivery. The injection prevents thousands of infant deaths each year due to Rh incompatibility.

Anti-Tetanus Program
This special program collects plasma from donors who have been vaccinated against Tetanus and have formed Tetanus antibodies. These antibodies are not naturally occurring. This special plasma is used to make Tetanus immunoglobulin for use in the prevention and treatment of Tetanus. This disease, also known as lockjaw, affects hundreds of individuals yearly.

Anti-Rabies Program
This program collects plasma from donors who have been vaccinated against rabies. Donors in this program have plasma high in these antibodies, which can be used to produce lifesaving rabies immunoglobulin products. Rabies is a disease that affects the central nervous system and is transmitted by coming into contact with the saliva of an infected animal. Rabies can be contracted if you are bitten, scratched, or come into contact with infected saliva from a rabid animal

Donors in this program have plasma high in these antibodies, which can be used to produce lifesaving RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) immunoglobulin products. RSV is a disease that affects the lungs, primarily in the elderly and small children, and is transmitted through small respiratory droplets.

Male AB Program
This program collects plasma from donors who have a blood type AB and sex at birth was male. This product is used as a cell culture medium for Immuno-Cell therapy cancer treatment such as those with Juvenile Leukemia.
Purpose of the program
This special program collects plasma from donors who have been vaccinated against Hepatitis B and have formed Hepatitis B antibodies. The plasma is used to create a treatment forthose exposed to the virus, such as Healthcare workers.
Vaccination can protect you from Hepatitis B, a liver disease that can cause mild to severe illness. Your plasma can help save individuals who have been exposed to this virus. Receive additional compensation for immunizations and donations.
We are looking for individuals who have been immunized greater than 6 months ago with the Hepatitis B vaccine.
✓ 4 vaccines over a 1 year period
✓ No donation following an immunization for 10 days
✓ Commitment to donating routinely
Purpose of the program
This special program collects plasma from donors with the Rho(D) antibody and uses it to make anti-D immunoglobulin, an injection given to Rh negative mothers during pregnancy and immediately after labor and delivery. The injection prevents thousands of infant deaths each year due to Rh incompatibility.
Prevents RH negative mothers from producing sensitized antibodies during pregnancy that can harm their unborn child. Prevents hemolytic disease of the newborn.
Are you Rh Negative? Please visit with your donation center on additional eligibility requirements.
✓ Long term commitment
✓ Willingness to participate in the red cell immunization program
Purpose of the program
This special program collects plasma from donors who have been vaccinated against Tetanus and have formed Tetanus antibodies. These antibodies are not naturally occurring. This special plasma is used to make Tetanus immunoglobulin for use in the prevention and treatment of Tetanus. This disease, also known as lockjaw, affects hundreds of individuals yearly.
Vaccination can protect you from the Tetanus disease which is life threating, commonly known as Lockjaw. Although many individuals received the tetanus vaccine as children a booster is needed every 10 years to maintain protection. Tetanus Immune Globulin provides immediate protection for those individuals exposed to the disease. Receive additional compensation for immunizations and donations.
If you have received a Tetanus vaccine in your past, you are an excellent candidate for this program.
✓ 1 Tetanus immunization every 90 days
✓ Commitment to donate routinely
Purpose of the program
This program collects plasma from donors who have been vaccinated against rabies. Donors in this program have plasma high in these antibodies, which can be used to produce lifesaving rabies immunoglobulin products. Rabies is a disease that affects the central nervous system and is transmitted by coming into contact with the saliva of an infected animal. Rabies can be contracted if you are bitten, scratched, or come into contact with infected saliva from a rabid animal.
Provides protection from Rabies. Helps patients who have had an exposure to Rabies and need immediate protection through the use of the Rabies Immune Globulin. Receive additional compensation for immunizations and donations.
Must be an established donor actively donating routinely
✓ 4 immunizations over a 6 month period
✓ Commitment to donate routinely
Purpose of the program
Donors in this program have plasma high in these antibodies, which can be used to produce lifesaving RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) immunoglobulin products. RSV is a disease that affects the lungs, primarily in the elderly and small children, and is transmitted through small respiratory droplets.
Provides protection for small children and elderly who have RSV illness to assist with fighting this serious disease through the use of Anti-RSV Immune Globulin.
Must be an established donor who has met the pre-qualification screening criteria.
✓ Commitment to donate routinely
Purpose of the program
Must be an established donor who has met the pre-qualification screening criteria.
Supports children who are battling Juvenile Leukemia.
Must be an established donor with blood type AB and meets the pre-qualification screening eligibility criteria.
✓ Commitment to donate routinely
Reasons to Donate
Tips for A Better Donation
Plasma Explained
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